A Stalybridge school has been recognised for its work supporting the mental health and wellbeing of its pupils, staff and parents. Silver Springs Academy received the nationally recognised AcSEED award at a special assembly by Tameside, Oldham and Glossop (TOG) Mind.


The school was supported in its work towards the accreditation by Tameside Council’s Population Health team and TOG Mind. To achieve the accreditation staff at Silver Springs fine-tuned their approach to supporting mental health and wellbeing which has been established over the years. This includes working in partnership with Intraquest so the organisation can provide a play therapist and professional supervision. Intraquest has also supported the school by providing staff with training in attachment theory, self-harm, therapeutic play and other sessions.


Silver Springs has designated ‘talking points’ where children can talk through their problems, calm down and speak with a member of staff. The school’s tiered approach to mental health support includes school-wide advice, sessions for groups and therapy sessions for individual students. Working in such a way means that it is essential that staff are equally well supported.  The school is planning to create a wellbeing centre where they can extend the work they do with both children and families. Along with the principals of the other schools in the Great Academies Education Trust, Silver Springs is working on a trust-wide staff wellbeing policy. 


D Mason, principal of Silver Springs Academy, said:

“We believed that in applying for the award it would help us identify strengths we can build on as well as any areas for further improvement. The benefits to children are huge as they receive the right support at the right time, for which parents are always grateful."


Cllr Eleanor Wills, Tameside Council Executive Member for Adult Social Care and Population Health, said:

“It’s fantastic to see that thanks to their mental health and wellbeing support, the children’s relationships with their teachers and peers has really benefitted. Their parents or carers will be seeing this at home in terms of their child’s behaviour and self-esteem. In receiving the AcSEED award Silver Springs Academy is showing its commitment to supporting its pupils, teachers and parents.”


Silver Springs Academy website.


News Date: 
Tuesday, 25 February 2020

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