Trustees have the overall legal responsibility for a charity. The law describes charity trustees as ‘the persons having the general control and management of the administration of a charity’.


Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind’s Board of Trustees are responsible for our governance and strategic direction. The Board is accountable for everything we do, including setting our strategic direction, scrutinising our performance and supporting & empowering our Executive Team of Directors.


Our board is made up of individuals with a broad skill set and knowledge base encompassing;

  • Education

  • Children’s Services

  • Social Care

  • Mental Health Care

  • Voluntary Sector

  • Business Sector and Consultancy


Our Current Trustees:

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I wanted to contribute to improving and increasing the range of mental health services available, especially to children and young people after my experiences both professionally and personally. After I retired I was also keen to continue using my skills and experience. I have lived and/or worked in Oldham and Tameside for the past 45 years and know the area well.

About your professional background:

I am a social worker by background and worked in services for children and young people. I worked in childrens homes and with young offenders as well as in social work teams dealing with child protection. I was a senior manager for many years and was also a local authority councillor in Tameside a long time ago!

Your favourite food/movie/animal: 

I like all kinds of food and can’t think of anything much I don’t enjoy eating. Science fiction is a favourite of mine to read and watch and Bladerunner is my favourite film. Cats are my favourite animal.

Cheryl Eastwood, Chair

Cheryl Eastwood - Chair

Alice Coren, Vice Chair

Alice Coren

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I’ve used MIND resources over the years, and they helped a lot dealing with my own mental health issues, especially while at work. 


When the chance to be a trustee came up I applied, thinking I didn’t have a shot, but was given the warmest welcome and interview ever. I want people who experience all kinds of mental health to have the best possible opportunities to live well, to have more influence over their lives at all kinds of levels, and to realise that they deserve great things.


Being part of the Mind team makes me feel like we’re making progress towards that kind of community. 

About your professional background:

I started as a designer in the Film & TV industry, before training as a social worker. I’ve worked in lots of places since then, supporting people with complex needs who experience domestic abuse, substance use, homelessness and poverty.  I currently run my own organisation that offers a different kind of space for women. 

Your favourite food/movie/animal:

  • Food – Toast and marmalade
  • Movie – Blair Witch (love a bit of horror)
  • Animal – My dog, Milo

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I’ve been a Trustee at TOG Mind since 2015. I became involved in supporting Mind because I felt more needed to be done to develop and deliver initiatives in the Oldham and Tameside to make a difference to people’s mental health.


I had been exposed to the lack of support experienced by family and friends in other areas, and felt it was important to do what we can to keep fighting for better metal health services.

In particular, I am interested in ensuring that services reach all groups in the community and that we can create an environment where young people feel able to reach out for support.

About your professional background:

My working background is diverse having worked in marketing and technology and worked in private sector industries such as automotive and also public sector such as social housing and social care. I aim to bring some of this experience in my role as a trustee to the organisation.


I have taken on the role of Treasurer recently and am enjoying working with the TOG Mind team to develop and offer services to the local community.

Vicki Murcott, Treasurer

Vicki Murcott

Richard Umpleby

Richard Umpleby

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I am autistic and struggle daily with complete medical needs which helps drive me to want better services for others in all sectors of life.


I grew up with mental illness in my family and using mental health services from an early age, I believe good mental health services should be a human right and aim to ensure they are available for everyone of all ages.

About your professional background:

I was a nurse for a number of years in the NHS and since stopping work due to ill health I have had a number of volunteering roles. 


I am presently a volunteer Deputy Lead Governor at Tameside and Glossop Integrated NHS Trust, a Patient Safety and Panel member for NWAS, a Tribunal Volunteer for NAS, and a TOG Mind Director.

Your favourite food/movie/animal:

  • Food – Chocolate
  • Movie – My Fair Lady or Phantom of the Opera
  • Animal – Cats (I have two rescue cats and they are such a joy!)

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I am passionate about everyone having the support that they need to achieve better mental health. I am responsible for ensuring this at my own place of work.


I then saw all the good work that the TOG Mind charity does in my local community, and I wanted to get involved in some way. Being a Trustee seemed like the perfect fit.

About your professional background:

I have worked in Human Resources for 22 years across many different manufacturing companies.


I started my career as a standalone HR practitioner in a small firm and worked through the ranks to now being a board director at a global firm who manufacture roofing products. My current role is that of Business Services Director.

Your favourite food/movie/animal:

  • Food – this is really hard as I love all food but if I had to pick, I would say seafood.
  • Movie – Notting Hill
  • Animal – Dog (which I am hoping to persuade my partner to get one day!)

Amanda Flynn

Amanda Flynn

Keith Jeffery

Keith Jeffery

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I have worked alongside TOG Mind over the last 10 years as a GP and Clinical Director for Mental Health in Oldham and I was impressed with the approaches they took in helping people with mental illness and the range and quality of services they had brought to the local community.


I retired from both roles earlier in 2022 and my plan was to do some voluntary work, so when Jenny Higson approached me to sound me out about becoming a trustee, it seemed a real opportunity for me to continue to use my skills and knowledge in the field of mental health to help people in Tameside, Oldham and Glossop.

About your professional background:

I worked as a GP in Failsworth for 25 years, retiring at the end of July 2022. I was also the Clinical Director for Mental Health for Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group for 10 years, which finished at the end of March 2022.

Your favourite food/movie/animal:

  • Food – Cinnamon Rolls
  • Movie – Vertigo
  • Animal – Squirrel

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

With a background in working with children, young people, and families and with some lived experience of mental health issues, I thought I might have something to offer in supporting the organisation and the vital work it undertakes.

About your professional background:

I’ve a background in theatre working with children and young people in particular and in working for charities and churches.

I am now working as a Programme Manager within the Diocese of Manchester leading a small team.

Your favourite food/movie/animal:

I love all kinds of food but what would life be without cheese?! Eating it whilst watching any old film especially a musical and cuddling a (I suppose it couldn’t be a real one) bear would be my idea of an ideal afternoon.

Karen Beal

Karen Beal

Mischa Dey

Mischa Dey

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I have close friends and family members that have and continue to be impacted by mental health challenges. I have seen them struggle without getting access to the right support at the right time and I believe the work that we are doing at Mind, is critical to help those that need help.


I want to do my bit in continuing to improve mental health services, raising awareness and reducing the stigma.

About your professional background:

I started my career in customer services, moving onto do a short stint in facilities management before spending the last 19 years in HR.


I have seen HR evolve over the years and I love the fact its now more people, experience and culture focussed than ever. 

Your favourite food/movie/animal:

I do like my rice and noodles so if we are going for Thai you’ll normally see me doing a happy food dance!

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I am a Trustee which I believe is a fantastic way to give something back to a cause you care about. Holding this position offers me the joy of playing an integral part in the way the charity is run, ensuring it remains sustainable and financially viable, whilst having enormous impact within our community positively.

About your professional background:

Bilal has over 12 years’ experience within the banking sector, having worked in various countries and prominently in UAE, Middle East. having held numerous positions, including Relationship Director in High Street banking, where he has developed a substantive Intermediary network. He is passionate about helping others, customer service, delivery and making a difference in people who are struggling mentally and financially helping them achieve their goals and aspirations.

Bilal Mirza

Bilal Mirza

Sophie Dawson

Sophie Dawson

Why did you want to become a trustee for TOG Mind?

I am very passionate about mental health and well-being, having worked within mental health services for several years as well as having my own lived experience. I am particularly keen to help ensure that people have access to good mental health support so when I saw the role of trustee come up I was keen to get involved.

About your professional background:

I started off working within mental health services as a support worker prior to becoming a registered mental health nurse where I have worked within NHS mental health services and University mental health services. Recently I have been focused on service improvement and I am currently working within the special education needs service in Tameside where I am involved with performance improvement through data management and analysis.

Your favourite food/movie/animal:

Food - Pizza
Movie - Back to the Future
Animal - Cat

Overarching responsibility and areas of work within the charity include:

Ensuring the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit, complying with the charity’s governing documents and the law, acting in the charity’s best interests, managing the charity’s resources responsibly, acting with reasonable care and skill and ensuring the charity is accountable in all areas of work.


As well as demonstrating values such as honesty and integrity, our trustees are committed to the charity’s core aims and values and continue to ensure we operate effectively across Tameside, Oldham and Glossop.

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