Help and support from the local community mean the world to us as a mental health charity and allows us to continue to go above and beyond in providing counselling, dedicated children and family support, training and suicide prevention services to those most in need.

It's more important now than ever before for us all - following the last 18 months and the struggles people have faced.


Your help on this fundraising campaign is hugely appreciated and will ensure more people who are struggling with their mental health, can get the right support at the right time. If you have any questions at all you can call us, message through our social media or email: fundraising [at] to speak with Jason at TOG Mind. You can also learn more at our JustGiving page by clicking here.



News Date: Thursday, 12 August 2021
News Category:

Racism can affect our mental health and our experiences of mental health services.


Could you join Mind in highlighting the impact of racism on mental health, by sharing your experiences?


Working with filmmaker, Tracy Kiryango, there will be interviews with 4 or 5 people talking about the impact of racism on their mental health, with a focus on one particular memory that has really stood out for them from their past. To find out more and get involved please click the link for more detailed information and to access the expression of interest form which needs to be submitted by Friday 20th August 2021.

Please click here to download the Expression of Interest form.

News Date: Thursday, 12 August 2021
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"Ensuring people can quickly and easily receive the right support, in the right setting, from mental health professionals."


The Safe Haven, Royal Oldham Hospital is a partnership of Pennine Care, Tameside, Oldham & Glossop Mind, and Early Help (Positive Steps).


The Safe Haven team are there to provide a therapeutic, multi-disciplinary approach to crisis intervention.


This service runs from Monday - Friday / 5pm - 8am.

From 5pm - 9pm we run appointments only.

From 9pm - 9am we are open for clients to self-refer by contacting our main number. (available below)


Referrals can be made from Oldham A&E / Liasion Mental Health Team, Community Mental Health Team, or the Oldham Home Treatment Team.


Please get in touch for more information.

Tel: 0161 716 2288   /   0161 716 2289

Address: The Safe Haven, Forest House, The Royal Oldham Hospital, OL1 2JH.



News Date: Wednesday, 4 August 2021
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Massive thanks to members of St George's Church, Stalybridge who held a sponsored dog walk during the 50 days of Eastertide in aid of the church and TOG Mind. Members and their dogs walked over 2000 miles between them and raised £1,250 for Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind. Also a very special thank you to John (front and centre) who added an extra £50 to make it a grand total of £1,300.


We are always hugely appreciative of community fundraising and it helps the charity massively.


If you’d like to get involved with a fundraising activity or plan something yourself, please get in touch on 0161 330 9223 or email fundraising [at]


Thank You!

News Date: Wednesday, 21 July 2021
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Recently the government have made announcements relating to measures and restrictions changing un the UK from the 19th July, with further changes planned for the 16th August.


Within the charity we have discussed these changes, along with the current Delta variant in Greater Manchester and want to continue to ensure our staff, volunteers and everyone locally visiting us, can remain as safe as possible always.


We have decided in the short term to retain existing measures that our staff, volunteers and the public have become accustomed to, at least for a little while longer.


We hope that this continues to provide safety and reassurance not only to all our staff teams, but to those we are here to support.


Social distancing, mask wearing where appropriate, hand washing and track and trace will remain in place in the short term.


Thank you for your understanding and please contact us if you have any questions.

Call us on: 0161 330 9223

Email us at: office [at]

News Date: Wednesday, 21 July 2021
News Category:

In 2019 we were amazingly successful with an application for a grant from the Department of Health and Social Care. This application was backed by Oldham CCG and they committed to supporting us with additional financial investment over a 3 year period. 

We are now in year 3 of this grant that has funded us to develop what is now our Take 5 Children, Young People and Families Hub in the centre of Oldham. As part of developing this brand new innovative hub, we committed to having the concept and delivery independently evaluated and commissioned Manchester Metropolitan University to complete this work for us. 


We want to say a massive thank you to all involved! From engaging in interviews, completing surveys, promoting surveys to CYP and families, providing service information to the MMU research team and of course providing valuable and beneficial services to our community. Staff and volunteers have all achieved this whilst managing ever changing working locations/building moves and completely adapting delivery to navigate a global pandemic... every aspect of their commitment and dedication is appreciated. 


In the next phase of our Take 5 Hub, we will be working with young people and families to co-design the space to ensure a warm and welcoming environment for all. Please get in touch on 0161 330 9223 if you would like to support this work in Oldham. 

The full evaluation report can be viewed here: 




Alternatively, view the report by clicking here.


News Date: Wednesday, 7 July 2021
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We’re incredibly proud to share the news that our well-being activities will include gardening sessions.

Working with the wonderful staff & volunteers at Noah's Art we are offering the chance for people to join us and become part of this brand new community garden project at the Together Centre, Birch Lane in Dukinfield.

There are plans to grow fruit and veg in the raised beds surrounding the greenhouse, a space for a sensory garden, designated nature / wildlife areas, and a seated / outdoor communal area for the attendees of all the services on offer at Loxley House.


If you would like to get involved, call us on 0161 330 9223 and ask for Caroline.

Keep up to date with our Wellbeing Hub by following them on Instagram!



News Date: Thursday, 10 June 2021
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MHAW 2021 ScheduleComing up next week is Mental Health Awareness Week (10th - 16th May).

This year the theme of MHAW 2021 is Nature. During this pandemic, millions of us have experience a mental health problem, or seen a loved one struggle. We have a lot planned for the week so keep an eye on our social media channels over the week and get involved.


Below we have an outline of some of the things we have going on for the week:


Monday Mindful Moments - (2 - 3pm)

This Monday Mindful Moments session will be done over Zoom, but we want to encourage everybody to be outdoors for this session. Be it in your garden, at the park, or even just by an open window!

Click here to join the session on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 969 2664 8954
Passcode: 244748



Peer Support Volunteer Celebration -  (2 - 3:30pm)

This year's theme is nature, and to fit the theme we will be meeting at Stamford Park - taking in the nature around us while out for a walk.

Volunteers with TOG Mind are encouraged to take a short walk around and share open discussions around the benefits of nature to mental health. This is a celebration and a chance to meet other volunteers, we hope as many volunteers as possible can join us!

Catch Your Very Own Sun - (4:30 - 5:30pm)

Our Youth in Mind team will be hosting a Craft and Wellbeing session - learn how to create your very own Sun Catcher! Email us at Take5 [at] to join in.

(this was previously incorrectly listed under Wednesday, we apologise for the mix-up)



Walk & Talk - (1 - 3pm)

Always outdoors and surrounded by nature. We will be exploring Stamford Park in the Spring, as we haven't had the chance yet to see this beautiful space in this glorious season. Also, weather depending, we can end it with either a hot drink or an ice cream!



Supporting the Community

Our Community Engagement team will be out and about throughout the whole week supporting clients with Dementia and Mental Health conditions. 



Getting Artsy! - (1:30 - 3:30pm)

An Arts & Crafts session taking place over Zoom - getting artsy by incorporating nature into art with pressed leaf drawings. A pressed leaf drawing is where you press a leaf onto a piece of paper and then draw around it to incorporate the leaf into part of the picture. If you'd like to know more, contact us on 0161 330 9223 and ask for Caroline.

Click here to join the session on Zoom.

Meeting ID: 967 0670 0098
Passcode: 431065


Mental Health Awareness Week is a great time to take part in a fundraiser or consider making a donation to TOG Mind.

We wouldn't be able to do all we do without the generosity and support of donors, fundraisers and volunteers, please consider donating if you can.

News Date: Monday, 10 May 2021
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Everyone's invited! Captain Sir Tom Moore's family are inviting the world to celebrate his life with an event that everyone can get involved in.

Join TOG Mind and the rest of the nation in #CaptainTom100!


The Captain Tom 100 challenge is an event set up to celebrate the generosity of spirit, and the hope and joy Captain Sir Tom Moore brought to millions. From Friday 30 April to Monday 3 May, we are asking everyone to dream up a challenge based around the number 100. TOG Mind need you more now than ever, join us today, do it your way, and have fun!


About the event:

Friday 30 April 2021 would have been Captain Sir Tom Moore's 101st birthday and the one year anniversary of the extraordinary celebrations following the conclusion of his famous 100 laps of his garden that raised an incredible £38.9 million for the NHS.

Captain Sir Tom Moore's family pledged to celebrate his life with an event that everyone, in the UK and around the world, could get involved in. That event is the Captain Tom 100.

Everyone of all ages and abilities, is invited to take on a challenge around the number 100. Starting on Friday 30 April through to 3 May.

The challenge could be walking 100 steps or running 100 metres, scoring 100 goals, baking 100 cakes, climbing 100 stairs, hopping 100 laps of the garden, building 100 sandcastles, writing an 100 word poem, flipping 100 pancakes - anything at all, inside or outside.


How to get involved:

It's so simple. All you need to do is dream up a challenge, do it 100 times and fundraise for your chosen charity. 

There are no rules, apart from the Government guidelines on the roadmap out of lockdown. It's open to everyone. Do it your way, and have fun! 

Register with TOG Mind by setting up a Just Giving, or Virgin Money Giving page by visiting the links below:


Register with JustGiving.

Register with Virgin Money Giving.


Use the hashtag #CaptainTom100 to share your challenge on social media.


How we'll support you:

When you register your place with TOG Mind you will receive a welcome email and a digital welcome pack with lots of support and advice on how to raise vital funds through your challenge. You will also have support from our amazing Events Team with any questions you may have.

Need some challenge ideas to get you inspired?

Captain Tom 100 Challenge Ideas

News Date: Friday, 23 April 2021
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Thrive Hive Fest 2021 raises over £900 for Mind


With the extended lockdown leading many employees to experience mental health issues and significant extra stress, a mental health and workplace wellbeing specialist has organised an online festival to raise spirits and raise awareness of mental health issues. In the process, it has also raised funds for Mind, the mental health charity.


Organised by Paul Wolstenholme, founder of Pathlight Ltd, Thrive Hive Fest was streamed online on the weekend of 6-7 February, 2021. The event raised £934.96 for the Tameside, Oldham & Glossop branch of Mind, which has been overwhelmed with referrals for mental health support since the pandemic began.  With lockdown restrictions easing this week, the charity cheque was presented on Monday.


The virtual festival featured an eclectic range of thirty established and up-and-coming performers from Greater Manchester and further afield.  All of the bands, solo artists and poets, plus a filmmaker and dance theatre, agreed to support the festival free of charge, with all proceeds going directly to the charity.


Paul notes: “The challenges of working from home, home-schooling, money worries and stricter governmental restrictions have seen record numbers of people feeling the strain of isolation, stress, anxiety and depression. There is help available, though. Mind offers a range of services to support mental health and wellbeing through the pandemic and beyond. That’s why so many people were eager to help with Thrive Hive Fest.


“This festival brought together two of my greatest passions: music and mental health.  The idea came from a conversation in Pathlight Thrive Hive, a Facebook group I set up at the start of the pandemic. It offers free support, connection and inspiration around mental health and holistic wellbeing.  I feel so energised, proud and humbled by the support of all the superb artists and volunteers who kindly gifted their time to this cause. The feedback from festival attendees was fantastic!”


Sid Cooper, frontman of Manchester band LOAstate, said: “I was really excited to be part of Thrive Hive Fest’s fantastic line-up.  Raising awareness and promoting positive mental health is more crucial now than ever. The uplifting, connecting power of music is a great way to do that so I was proud to help to banish the lockdown blues that so many people have been feeling.”


The video recording of the festival has just been uploaded for viewing on the Pathlight Ltd YouTube channel.

A brief summary video is available here.


News Date: Thursday, 1 April 2021
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I need help now!