A team of over 80 local fundraisers have recently smashed their fundraising target and in the process, improved their health and inspired others.


Over the last couple of months, Andy Hughes and the team have completed 5 fundraising challenges including climbing Mt Snowdon, the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge and the Manchester 10k. The team had set out to raise £1000 for local mental health charity Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind (TOG Mind) but, through their passion and dedication have managed to raise an incredible £4,065.


Andy from Team Hiitman (@teamhiitman) who coordinated the activities, took part and supported the group said ‘I’d like to officially thank you all for your support during the last few months for the 5 challenges we did to raise money to support our local Mind charity - TOG Mind. We raised £4065 and this money will go a long, long way to help support lots of people and a charity which is close to so many of our hearts’.


Jason who supports fundraisers at TOG Mind said ‘This is next level fundraising and we are hugely appreciative of the effort and dedication put in by the whole team. When I met the fundraisers recently it genuinely brought a tear to my eye to hear their stories and see how positive everyone was. Any fundraising makes a huge difference to our work and ensures we can do even more in the future.’


For anyone inspired by Andy and the teams efforts, Miles for TOG Mind is running until the end of the year where people can sign up to complete 50 or 100 miles in a month anyway they want. 


To find out more call Jason at TOG Mind on: 0161 330 9223, email fundraising [at] togmind.org or visit: justgiving.com/campaign/MilesforMindwithPUREGYM


News Date: Friday, 22 October 2021
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On World Mental Health Day 2021 last Sunday, the wonderful Heidi Jane came to the end of her amazing fundraising journey.


She's walked the length of Route 66 raising £2500 for TOG Mind - We want to give her a massive THANK YOU for her consistent effort and inspiration!


Fundraise for mental health and join the fight here with Miles for TOG Mind 2021 – You still have time! 



News Date: Thursday, 14 October 2021
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Exciting new mental health offer for children and young people living in Tameside and Glossop

Tameside, Oldham and Glossop Mind have teamed up with 42nd Street to launch a new and expanded emotional and mental well-being community offer open to children and young people, aged 10-18 in Tameside and Glossop. The offer which has been developed and designed by local children and young people (CYP) will provide a range of support options with choice being a key focus. The offer will continue to be developed and co-designed with local children and young people to ensure this offer meets the needs of our communities.


What the offer is:

My Emotional Wellbeing Coach

A range of therapeutic support providing coaching, goal focussed interventions, counselling and open access drop-ins.


My Emotional Wellbeing Places

Face to face or online - based in 5 neighbourhoods for support where you live, online referrals and wellbeing resources.


Key Supporting Relationships

Parent/carer drop ins, referral pathways to adult wellbeing services, training, family support, peer parenting support.


Growing my Potential

Educational workshops, become a Peer Mentor, co-design services and influence the system.


Wellbeing Training

For parents, education teams and other key workers in our communities.


To refer a child or young person:

Drop-in: The Hive - Wednesdays 4pm-8pm

Email: thehive [at] togmind.org

Find us at: 216-218 Katherine Street, Ashton-under-Lyne

Call: 0161 330 9223 and ask to speak to the Children and Younger People’s team



News Date: Thursday, 14 October 2021
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GMCVO are delivering a grants programme to support people from communities of identity or experience, based in Greater Manchester, that may struggle to achieve higher levels of mental wellbeing. 


The communities they are aiming to reach are:

  • Carers
  • People from BAME communities
  • People living with long term physical or mental health conditions
  • People who identify as LGBTQ+
  • Disabled people
  • Military veterans
  • People who are unemployed
  • ​Socially isolated older people


The aim of these grants is to support small, grassroots VCSE organisations that will support people to develop high levels of mental wellbeing.

Learn more about these Greater Manchester Wellbeing grants.


News Date: Thursday, 14 October 2021
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Over the next three months there will be opportunity for VCSE organisations in Greater Manchester to be trained in and deliver the Mental Wellbeing classes Living Life to the Full and Reclaim Your Life.  


Course Dates

Yaran NW CIC are running a Living Life to the Full Train the Trainer course, online, on Tuesday 26th October 9:30 – 4:00pm. If you wish to attend please can you email rokhsana [at] yarannorthwest.com


Reflection Hub are running a Living Life to the Full Train the Trainer course, in person, on Wednesday 24th November 9:30 am. If you wish to attend please can  you email admin [at] reflecteen.org.uk


Desired are experienced Community Trainers who may be able to support the following communities of identity or experience:

  • People from BAME communities
  • People living with long term physical and mental health conditions
  • Disabled people
  • Social isolated older people
  • Military veterans
  • People who are newly or long term unemployed
  • People who identify as LGBTQ+
  • Adult Carers

Once you have attended the course you will receive a license (valid until October 2022) and an online log in for all the resources. VCSE organisations will also be able to draw down a £60 attendance contribution and apply for a small grant which will contribute towards the cost of delivering the programme. We would expect that if you receive this training you will deliver at least two sets of classes that run for 6 weeks, 1.5 hours per week.


Living Life to the Full (LLTTF) is one of the world’s most used wellbeing support packages. It aims to provide key information using everyday non-complex language. People learn to; understand why they feel as they do, choose to do activities that improve wellbeing, identify blocks or activities that make them feel worse, boost their confidence, understand and change their sleep, become more assertive, calm anxious worries and be more compassionate.


There are class resources translated into Farsi and Urdu to facilitate delivery in some community languages by native speakers. Classes have been delivered in Farsi and some in Urdu are planned.


Funded by Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, in Greater Manchester, there are a number of different ways to engage with the suite of Living Life To The Full resources to cater for different preferences. There is access to online self-guided resources (courses, e-books, translated e-books, videos and worksheets) www.gmlifeskills.com and there is now an opportunity to join our community of community trainers who will help us to deliver LLTTF classes in the community.


News Date: Wednesday, 13 October 2021
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Celebrating World Mental Health Day 2021 and its theme of ‘Mental Health in an Unequal Word’, our Covid-19 link worker role was funded by Oldham Cares and was created to provide as much advice and support as possible locally, to those members of the community who are marginalised or segregated. This includes black minority ethnic people, asylum seekers and people suffering with dementia.


This report provides insight into the impact of Covid-19 locally and some of what we’ve been able to do to help and support people throughout.


Alternatively, view the report by clicking here.

News Date: Friday, 8 October 2021
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I need help now!