Help and support from the local community mean the world to us as a mental health charity and allows us to continue to go above and beyond in providing counselling, dedicated children and family support, training and suicide prevention services to those most in need.

It's more important now than ever before for us all - following the last 18 months and the struggles people have faced.


Your help on this fundraising campaign is hugely appreciated and will ensure more people who are struggling with their mental health, can get the right support at the right time. If you have any questions at all you can call us, message through our social media or email: fundraising [at] to speak with Jason at TOG Mind. You can also learn more at our JustGiving page by clicking here.



News Date: Thursday, 12 August 2021
News Category:

Racism can affect our mental health and our experiences of mental health services.


Could you join Mind in highlighting the impact of racism on mental health, by sharing your experiences?


Working with filmmaker, Tracy Kiryango, there will be interviews with 4 or 5 people talking about the impact of racism on their mental health, with a focus on one particular memory that has really stood out for them from their past. To find out more and get involved please click the link for more detailed information and to access the expression of interest form which needs to be submitted by Friday 20th August 2021.

Please click here to download the Expression of Interest form.

News Date: Thursday, 12 August 2021
News Category:

"Ensuring people can quickly and easily receive the right support, in the right setting, from mental health professionals."


The Safe Haven, Royal Oldham Hospital is a partnership of Pennine Care, Tameside, Oldham & Glossop Mind, and Early Help (Positive Steps).


The Safe Haven team are there to provide a therapeutic, multi-disciplinary approach to crisis intervention.


This service runs from Monday - Friday / 5pm - 8am.

From 5pm - 9pm we run appointments only.

From 9pm - 9am we are open for clients to self-refer by contacting our main number. (available below)


Referrals can be made from Oldham A&E / Liasion Mental Health Team, Community Mental Health Team, or the Oldham Home Treatment Team.


Please get in touch for more information.

Tel: 0161 716 2288   /   0161 716 2289

Address: The Safe Haven, Forest House, The Royal Oldham Hospital, OL1 2JH.



News Date: Wednesday, 4 August 2021
News Category:

I need help now!